Shanghai Expat Tutors
Professional, Personalised, Private math tutors in china, the best math tutors in Shanghai
What is the cost of the tutoring?
The fees for our tutoring services vary because we offer personalized service designed to meet the specific needs of your child. The components that make up the total cost of the tutoring program include: program length, grade level, and payment method.
What are the methods of payment?
Bank transfer, Wechat transfer, Alipay and cash are all acceptable ways of paying.
What will be the profile of my tutor?
Typically, our tutors are master’s students, PhD students, or teachers of international schools. Our priority in selecting a tutor for you will be: the best academic preparation according to your needs, compatibility according to your profile as well as time and location availability.
Can I use my hours in different subjects & tutors?
Yes. We offer complete flexibility in using your paid hours. You can change tutors but keep the subject or you can mix different subjects with different tutors.
Can I ask for a refund on unused hours?
Unfortunately we do not offer refunds on unused hours.